1 Kings 1:13
Go at once to King David and say, 'My lord the king, did you not swear to your maidservant, "Surely your son Solomon will reign after me, and he will sit on my throne"? Why then has Adonijah become king?'
Cross References
1 Kings 1:14
Then, while you are still there speaking with the king, I will come in after you and confirm your words."

1 Kings 1:17
"My lord," she replied, "you yourself swore to your maidservant by the LORD your God: 'Surely your son Solomon will reign after me, and he will sit on my throne.'

1 Kings 1:30
I will carry out this very day exactly what I swore to you by the LORD, the God of Israel: Surely your son Solomon will reign after me, and he will sit on my throne in my place."

1 Chronicles 22:9
But a son will be born to you who will be a man of rest. I will give him rest from all his enemies on every side; for his name will be Solomon, and I will grant to Israel peace and quiet during his reign.

Treasury of Scripture
Go and get you in to king David, and say to him, Did not you, my lord, O king, swear to your handmaid, saying, Assuredly Solomon your son shall reign after me, and he shall sit on my throne? why then does Adonijah reign?


1 Kings 1:11,17,30
Wherefore Nathan spake unto Bathsheba the mother of Solomon, saying, Hast thou not heard that Adonijah the son of Haggith doth reign, and David our lord knoweth it not? …

1 Chronicles 22:6-13
Then he called for Solomon his son, and charged him to build an house for the LORD God of Israel…


1 Kings 1:17,24,35,48
And she said unto him, My lord, thou swarest by the LORD thy God unto thine handmaid, saying, Assuredly Solomon thy son shall reign after me, and he shall sit upon my throne…

1 Kings 2:12
Then sat Solomon upon the throne of David his father; and his kingdom was established greatly.

Deuteronomy 17:18
And it shall be, when he sitteth upon the throne of his kingdom, that he shall write him a copy of this law in a book out of that which is before the priests the Levites:


1 Kings 1:12
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