2 Kings 4:14
So he asked, "Then what should be done for her?" "Well, she has no son," Gehazi replied, "and her husband is old."
Cross References
2 Kings 4:13
and Elisha said to Gehazi, "Now tell her, 'Look, you have gone to all this trouble for us. What can we do for you? Can we speak on your behalf to the king or the commander of the army?'" "I have a home among my own people," she replied.

2 Kings 4:15
"Call her," said Elisha. So Gehazi called her, and she stood in the doorway.

Treasury of Scripture
And he said, What then is to be done for her? And Gehazi answered, Truly she has no child, and her husband is old.

she hath no child

Genesis 15:2,3
And Abram said, Lord GOD, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus? …

Genesis 17:17
Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a child be born unto him that is an hundred years old? and shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear?

Genesis 18:10-14
And he said, I will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life; and, lo, Sarah thy wife shall have a son. And Sarah heard it in the tent door, which was behind him…


2 Kings 4:13
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