2 Samuel 7:16
Your house and kingdom will endure forever before Me, and your throne will be established forever."
Cross References
Luke 1:33
and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever. His kingdom will never end!"

1 Samuel 25:28
Please forgive your servant's offense, for the LORD will surely make a lasting dynasty for my lord, because he fights the LORD's battles. May no evil be found in you as long as you live.

2 Samuel 7:13
He will build a house for My Name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.

2 Samuel 7:17
So Nathan relayed to David all the words of this entire vision.

1 Kings 9:5
then I will establish your royal throne over Israel forever, as I promised your father David when I said, 'You will never fail to have a man on the throne of Israel.'

Psalm 89:4
I will establish your offspring forever and build up your throne for all generations.'" Selah

Psalm 89:36
his offspring shall endure forever, and his throne before Me like the sun,

Psalm 89:37
like the moon, established forever, a faithful witness in the sky." Selah

Jeremiah 17:25
then kings and princes will enter through the gates of this city. They will sit on the throne of David, riding in chariots and on horses with their officials, along with the men of Judah and the residents of Jerusalem, and this city will be inhabited forever.

Jeremiah 33:17
For this is what the LORD says: David will never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel,

Treasury of Scripture
And your house and your kingdom shall be established for ever before you: your throne shall be established for ever.

2 Samuel 7:13
He shall build an house for my name, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever.

Genesis 49:10
The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.

2 Kings 19:34
For I will defend this city, to save it, for mine own sake, and for my servant David's sake.


2 Samuel 7:15
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