Acts 15:33
After spending some time there, they were sent off by the brothers in peace to return to those who had sent them.
Cross References
Mark 5:34
"Daughter," said Jesus, "your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be free of your affliction."

Acts 15:22
Then the apostles and elders, with the whole church, decided to select men from among them to send to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas. They chose Judas called Barsabbas and Silas, two leaders among the brothers,

Acts 15:34
Notwithstanding it pleased Silas to abide there still.

Acts 16:36
The jailer informed Paul: "The magistrates have sent orders to release you. Now you may go on your way in peace."

1 Corinthians 16:11
No one, then, should treat him with contempt. Send him on his way in peace so that he can return to me, for I am expecting him along with the brothers.

Hebrews 11:31
By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies in peace, did not perish with those who were disobedient.

Treasury of Scripture
And after they had tarried there a space, they were let go in peace from the brothers to the apostles.

they were.

Acts 16:36
And the keeper of the prison told this saying to Paul, The magistrates have sent to let you go: now therefore depart, and go in peace.

Genesis 26:29
That thou wilt do us no hurt, as we have not touched thee, and as we have done unto thee nothing but good, and have sent thee away in peace: thou art now the blessed of the LORD.

Exodus 4:18
And Moses went and returned to Jethro his father in law, and said unto him, Let me go, I pray thee, and return unto my brethren which are in Egypt, and see whether they be yet alive. And Jethro said to Moses, Go in peace.


Acts 15:32
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