Acts 26:10
And that is what I did in Jerusalem. With authority from the chief priests I put many of the saints in prison, and when they were condemned to death, I cast my vote against them.
Cross References
Acts 7:58
They dragged him out of the city and began to stone him. Meanwhile the witnesses laid their garments at the feet of a young man named Saul.

Acts 8:1
And Saul was there, giving approval to Stephen's death. On that day a great persecution broke out against the church in Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria.

Acts 8:3
But Saul began to destroy the church. Going from house to house, he dragged off men and women and put them in prison.

Acts 9:1
Meanwhile, Saul was still breathing out murderous threats against the disciples of the Lord. He approached the high priest

Acts 9:2
and requested letters to the synagogues in Damascus, so that if he found any men or women belonging to the Way, he could bring them as prisoners to Jerusalem.

Acts 9:13
But Ananias answered, "Lord, many people have told me about this man and all the harm he has done to Your saints in Jerusalem.

Acts 22:20
And when the blood of Your witness Stephen was shed, I stood there giving my approval and watching over the garments of those who killed him.'

Treasury of Scripture
Which thing I also did in Jerusalem: and many of the saints did I shut up in prison, having received authority from the chief priests; and when they were put to death, I gave my voice against them.

I also.

Acts 7:58
And cast him out of the city, and stoned him: and the witnesses laid down their clothes at a young man's feet, whose name was Saul.

Acts 8:1,3
And Saul was consenting unto his death. And at that time there was a great persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judaea and Samaria, except the apostles…

Acts 9:13,26
Then Ananias answered, Lord, I have heard by many of this man, how much evil he hath done to thy saints at Jerusalem: …

the saints.

Acts 9:32,41
And it came to pass, as Peter passed throughout all quarters, he came down also to the saints which dwelt at Lydda…

Psalm 16:3
But to the saints that are in the earth, and to the excellent, in whom is all my delight.

Romans 15:25,26
But now I go unto Jerusalem to minister unto the saints…


Acts 9:14,21
And here he hath authority from the chief priests to bind all that call on thy name…

Acts 22:5
As also the high priest doth bear me witness, and all the estate of the elders: from whom also I received letters unto the brethren, and went to Damascus, to bring them which were there bound unto Jerusalem, for to be punished.


Acts 26:9
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