Deuteronomy 32:2
Let my teaching fall like rain and my speech settle like dew, like gentle rain on new grass, like showers on tender plants.
Cross References
Job 29:22
After my words, they spoke no more; my speech settled on them like dew.

Psalm 65:10
You soak its furrows and level its ridges; You soften it with showers and bless its growth.

Psalm 72:6
May he be like rain that falls on freshly cut grass, like spring showers that water the earth.

Proverbs 4:2
For I give you sound teaching; do not abandon my directive.

Isaiah 55:10
For just as rain and snow fall from heaven and do not return without watering the earth, making it bud and sprout, and providing seed to sow and food to eat,

Isaiah 55:11
so My word that proceeds from My mouth will not return to Me empty, but it will accomplish what I please, and it will prosper where I send it.

Amos 7:16
Now, therefore, hear the word of the LORD. You say: 'Do not prophesy against Israel; do not preach against the house of Isaac.'

Micah 5:7
Then the remnant of Jacob will be in the midst of many peoples like dew from the LORD, like showers on the grass, which do not wait for man or linger for mankind.

Treasury of Scripture
My doctrine shall drop as the rain, my speech shall distil as the dew, as the small rain on the tender herb, and as the showers on the grass:


2 Samuel 23:4
And he shall be as the light of the morning, when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds; as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after rain.

Job 29:22,23
After my words they spake not again; and my speech dropped upon them…

Psalm 72:6
He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass: as showers that water the earth.

as the showers

Micah 5:7
And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many people as a dew from the LORD, as the showers upon the grass, that tarrieth not for man, nor waiteth for the sons of men.

Zechariah 10:1
Ask ye of the LORD rain in the time of the latter rain; so the LORD shall make bright clouds, and give them showers of rain, to every one grass in the field.


Deuteronomy 32:1
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