Ezekiel 7:22
I will turn My face away from them, and they will defile My treasured place. Violent men will enter it, and they will defile it.
Cross References
Jeremiah 18:17
I will scatter them before the enemy like the east wind. I will show them My back and not My face in the day of their calamity."

Jeremiah 19:4
because they have abandoned Me and made this a foreign place. They have burned incense in this place to other gods that neither they nor their fathers nor the kings of Judah have ever known. They have filled this place with the blood of the innocent.

Jeremiah 19:13
The houses of Jerusalem and the houses of the kings of Judah will be defiled like that place, Topheth--all the houses on whose rooftops they burned incense to all the host of heaven and poured out drink offerings to other gods."

Ezekiel 39:23
And the nations will know that the house of Israel went into exile for their iniquity, because they were unfaithful to Me. So I hid My face from them and delivered them into the hands of their enemies, so that they all fell by the sword.

Ezekiel 39:24
I dealt with them according to their uncleanness and transgressions, and I hid My face from them.

Treasury of Scripture
My face will I turn also from them, and they shall pollute my secret place: for the robbers shall enter into it, and defile it.


Psalm 10:11
He hath said in his heart, God hath forgotten: he hideth his face; he will never see it.

Psalm 35:22
This thou hast seen, O LORD: keep not silence: O Lord, be not far from me.

Psalm 74:10,11,18-23
O God, how long shall the adversary reproach? shall the enemy blaspheme thy name for ever? …



Ezekiel 7:21
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