Genesis 29:11
Then Jacob kissed Rachel and wept aloud.
Cross References
Genesis 29:10
As soon as Jacob saw Rachel, the daughter of his mother's brother Laban, with Laban's sheep, he went up and rolled the stone away from the mouth of the well and watered his uncle's sheep.

Genesis 33:4
Esau, however, ran to him and embraced him, threw his arms around his neck, and kissed him. And they both wept.

Treasury of Scripture
And Jacob kissed Rachel, and lifted up his voice, and wept.


Genesis 29:13
And it came to pass, when Laban heard the tidings of Jacob his sister's son, that he ran to meet him, and embraced him, and kissed him, and brought him to his house. And he told Laban all these things.

Genesis 27:26
And his father Isaac said unto him, Come near now, and kiss me, my son.

Genesis 33:4
And Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck, and kissed him: and they wept.

and wept.

Genesis 33:4
And Esau ran to meet him, and embraced him, and fell on his neck, and kissed him: and they wept.

Genesis 43:30
And Joseph made haste; for his bowels did yearn upon his brother: and he sought where to weep; and he entered into his chamber, and wept there.

Genesis 45:2,14,15
And he wept aloud: and the Egyptians and the house of Pharaoh heard…


Genesis 29:10
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