Psalm 40:2
He lifted me up from the pit of despair, out of the miry clay; He set my feet upon a rock, and made my footsteps firm.
Cross References
Psalm 7:9
Put an end to the evil of the wicked, but establish the righteous, O righteous God who searches hearts and minds.

Psalm 18:29
For in You I can charge an army, and with my God I can scale a wall.

Psalm 26:12
My feet stand on level ground; in the congregations I will bless the LORD.

Psalm 27:5
For in the day of trouble He will hide me in His shelter; He will conceal me under the cover of His tent; He will set me high upon a rock.

Psalm 37:23
The steps of a man are ordered by the LORD who takes delight in his journey.

Psalm 69:2
I have sunk into the miry depths, where there is no footing; I have drifted into deep waters, where the flood engulfs me.

Psalm 69:14
Rescue me from the mire and do not let me sink; deliver me from my foes and out of the deep waters.

Psalm 119:5
Oh, that my ways were committed to keeping Your statutes!

Jeremiah 38:6
So they took Jeremiah and dropped him into the cistern of Malchiah, the king's son, which was in the courtyard of the guard. They lowered Jeremiah with ropes into the cistern, which had no water but only mud, and Jeremiah sank down into the mud.

Treasury of Scripture
He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet on a rock, and established my goings.


Psalm 18:16,17
He sent from above, he took me, he drew me out of many waters…

Psalm 71:20
Thou, which hast shewed me great and sore troubles, shalt quicken me again, and shalt bring me up again from the depths of the earth.

Psalm 86:13
For great is thy mercy toward me: and thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest hell.

horrible pit [heb.

Matthew 13:50
And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

the miry

Psalm 69:2,14,15
I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing: I am come into deep waters, where the floods overflow me…

Jeremiah 38:6-12
Then took they Jeremiah, and cast him into the dungeon of Malchiah the son of Hammelech, that was in the court of the prison: and they let down Jeremiah with cords. And in the dungeon there was no water, but mire: so Jeremiah sunk in the mire…

Lamentations 3:53-55
They have cut off my life in the dungeon, and cast a stone upon me…


Psalm 27:5
For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock.

Psalm 61:2
From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.

Matthew 7:24,25
Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: …


Psalm 17:5
Hold up my goings in thy paths, that my footsteps slip not.

Psalm 18:36
Thou hast enlarged my steps under me, that my feet did not slip.

Psalm 37:23
The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.


Psalm 40:1
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