3779. houtōs
Lexical Summary
houtōs: in this way, thus
Original Word: οὕτως
Transliteration: houtōs
Phonetic Spelling: (hoo'-to)
Part of Speech: Adverb
Short Definition: in this way, thus
Meaning: in this way, thus
Strong's Concordance
after that

Or (before a vowel houtos hoo'-toce adverb from houtos; in this way (referring to what precedes or follows) -- after that, after (in) this manner, as, even (so), for all that, like(-wise), no more, on this fashion(-wise), so (in like manner), thus, what.

see GREEK houtos

Thayer's Greek Lexicon
STRONGS NT 3779: οὕτω

οὕτω and οὕτως (formerly in printed editions οὕτω appeared before a consonant, οὕτως before a vowel; but (recent critical editors, following the best manuscripts ("Codex Sinaiticus has οὕτω but fourteen times in the N. T." Scrivener, Collation etc., p. liv.; cf. his Introduction etc., p. 561), have restored οὕτως; viz. Treg. uniformly, 205 times; Tdf. 203 times, 4 times οὕτω; Lachmann 196 times, 7 times οὕτω (all before a consonant); WH 196 times, 10 times οὕτω (all before a consonant); cf. Tdf. Proleg., p. 97; WHs Appendix, p. 146f); cf. Winers Grammar, § 5, 1 b.; B. 9; (Lob. Pathol. Elementa ii. 218ff); cf. Krüger, § 11, 12, 1; Kühner, § 72, 3 a.), adverb (from οὗτος) (fr. Homer down), the Sept. for כֵּן, in this manner, thus, so:

1. by virtue of its native demonstrative force it refers to what precedes; "in the manner spoken of; in the way described; in the way it was done; in this manner; in such a manner; thus, so": Matthew 6:30; Matthew 11:26; Matthew 17:12; Matthew 19:8; Mark 14:59; Luke 1:25; Luke 2:48; Luke 12:28; Romans 11:5; 1 Corinthians 8:12; 1 Corinthians 15:11; Hebrews 6:9; (2 Peter 3:11 WH Tr marginal reading); οὐχ οὕτως ἔσται (L Tr WH ἐστιν (so also T in Mark)) ἐν ὑμῖν, it will not be so among you (I hope), Matthew 20:26; Mark 10:43; ὑμεῖς οὐχ οὕτως namely, ἔσεσθε, Luke 22:26; ἐάν ἀφῶμεν αὐτόν οὕτως namely, ποιοῦντα, thus as he has done hitherto (see ἀφίημι, 2 b.), John 11:48; it refers to similitudes and comparisons, and serves to adapt them to the case in hand, Matthew 5:16 (even so, i. e. as the lamp on the lampstand); Matthew 12:45; Matthew 13:49; Matthew 18:14; Matthew 20:16; Luke 12:21 (WH brackets the verse); ; John 3:8; 1 Corinthians 9:24; likewise οὕτως καί, Matthew 17:12; Matthew 18:35; Matthew 24:33; Mark 13:20; Luke 17:10. οὕτως ἔχειν, to be so (Latinsic oritasehabere): Acts 7:1; Acts 12:15; Acts 17:11; Acts 24:9. it serves to resume participles (Josephus, Antiquities 8, 11, 1; b. j. 2, 8, 5; see examples from Greek authors in Passow, under the word, 1 h.; (Liddell and Scott, v. I. 7)): Acts 20:11; Acts 27:17; but John 4:6 must not (with Winers Grammar, § 65, 9 at the end; Buttmann, § 144, 21) be referred to this head, see Meyer (and 5 d. below); on Revelation 3:5, see 5 c. below. It takes the place of an explanatory participial clause, equivalent to matters being thus arranged, under these circumstances, in such a condition of things (Buttmann, § 149, 1; cf. Winer's Grammar, § 60, 5): Romans 5:12 (this connection between sin and death being established (but this explanation of the οὕτως appears to be too general (cf. Meyer ad loc.))); Hebrews 6:15 (i. e. since God had pledged the promise by an oath); equivalent to things having been thus settled, this having been done, then: Matthew 11:26; Acts 7:8; Acts 28:14; 1 Corinthians 14:25; 1 Thessalonians 4:17; 2 Peter 1:11; cf. Fritzsche, Commentary to Romans, i., p. 298. Closely related to this use is that of of οὕτως (like Latinita foritaque,igitur) in the sense of consequently (cf. English so at the beginning of a sentence): Matthew 7:17; Romans 1:15; Romans 6:11; Revelation 3:16 ((cf. Fritzsche on Matthew, p. 220); Passow, under the word, 2; (Liddell and Scott, under the word, II.)).

2. it prepares the way for what follows: Matthew 6:9; Luke 19:31; John 21:1; οὕτως ἦν, was arranged thus, was on this wise (Winers Grammar, 465 (434); Buttmann, § 129, 11), Matthew 1:18; οὕτως ἐστι τό θέλημα τοῦ Θεοῦ followed by an infinitive, so is the will of God, that, 1 Peter 2:15. before language quoted from the O. T.: Matthew 2:5; Acts 7:6; Acts 13:34, 47; 1 Corinthians 15:45; Hebrews 4:4.

3. with adjectives, so (Latintam, marking degree of intensity): Hebrews 12:21; Revelation 16:18; postpositive, τί δειλοί ἐστε οὕτως; Mark 4:40 (L Tr WH omit); in the same sense with adverbs, Galatians 1:6; or with verbs, so greatly, 1 John 4:11; οὕτως ... ὥστε, John 3:16. οὐδέποτε ἐφάνη οὕτως, it was never seen in such fashion, i. e. such an extraordinary sight, Matthew 9:33 (ἐφάνη must be taken impersonally; cf. Bleek, Synoptative Erklär. i. p. 406 (or Meyer at the passage)); οὐδέποτε οὕτως εἴδομεν, we never saw it so, i. e. with such astonishment, Mark 2:12.

4. οὕτως or οὕτως καί in comparison stands antithetic to an adverb or a relative pronoun (Winers Grammar, § 53, 5; cf. Buttmann, 362 (311)

c.): καθάπερ ... οὕτως, Romans 12:4; 1 Corinthians 12:12; 2 Corinthians 8:11; καθώς ... οὕτως, Luke 11:30; Luke 17:26; John 3:14; John 12:50; John 14:31; John 15:4; 2 Corinthians 1:5; 2 Corinthians 10:7; 1 Thessalonians 2:4; Hebrews 5:3; οὕτως ... καθώς, Luke 24:24; Romans 11:26; Philippians 3:17; ὡς ... οὕτως, Acts 8:32; Acts 23:11; Romans 5:15, 18; 1 Corinthians 7:17; 2 Corinthians 7:14; 1 Thessalonians 2:8; 1 Thessalonians 5:2; οὕτως ... ὡς, Mark 4:26; John 7:46 (L WH omit; Tr brackets the clause); 1 Corinthians 3:15; 1 Corinthians 4:1; 1 Corinthians 9:26; Ephesians 5:28; James 2:12; οὕτως ὡς ... μή ὡς, 2 Corinthians 9:5 (G L T Tr WH); ὥσπερ ... οὕτως, Matthew 12:40; Matthew 13:40; Matthew 24:27, 37, 39; Luke 17:24; John 5:21, 26; Romans 5:12, 19, 21; Romans 6:4; Romans 11:31; 1 Corinthians 11:12; 1 Corinthians 15:22; 1 Corinthians 16:1; 2 Corinthians 1:7 R G; Galatians 4:29; Ephesians 5:24 R G; after καθ' ὅσον, Hebrews 9:27f; οὕτως ... ὅν τρόπον, Acts 1:11; Acts 27:25; ὅν τρόπον ... οὕτως, 2 Timothy 3:8 (Isaiah 52:14); κατά τήν ὁδόν ἥν λέγουσιν αἵρεσιν οὕτω κτλ., after the Way (i. e. as it requires (cf. ὁδός, 2 a. at the end)) so etc. Acts 24:14.

5. Further, the following special uses deserve notice:

a. (ἔχει) ὅς (better ) μέν οὕτως ὅς (better ) δέ οὕτως, one after this manner, another after that, i. e. different men in different ways, 1 Corinthians 7:7 (πότε μέν οὕτως καί πότε οὕτως φάγεται μάχαιρα, 2 Samuel 11:25).

b. οὕτως, in the manner known to all, i. e. according to the context, so shamefully, 1 Corinthians 5:3.

c. in that state in which one finds oneself, such as one is (cf. Winer's Grammar, 465 (434)): τί με ἐποίησας οὕτως, Romans 9:20; οὕτως of those εἶναι, μένειν who remain unmarried, 1 Corinthians 7:26, 40; νικῶν οὕτως περιβαλεῖται viz. as (i. e. because he is) victor (others in the manner described in verse 4), Revelation 3:5 L T Tr WH.

d. thus forthwith, i. e. without hesitation (cf. English off-hand, without ceremony, and the colloquial right, just): John 4:6; cf. Passow, under the word, 4; (Liddell and Scott, under the word, IV.; see 1 above; add John 13:25 T WH Tr brackets (cf. Green, Critical Notes at the passage))

e. in questions (Latinsicine?) (English exclamatory so then, what): Mark 7:18 (German sonach) (others take οὕτως here as expressive of degree. In Matthew 26:40, however, many give it the sense spoken of; cf. too 1 Corinthians 6:5); οὕτως ἀποκρίνῃ; i. e. so impudently, John 18:22; with an adjective, so (very), Galatians 3:3. (But these examples, although classed together by Fritzsche also (Commentary on Mark, p. 150f), seem to be capable of discrimination. The passage from Galatians, for instance, does not seem to differ essentially from examples under 3 above.) f. In classical Greek οὕτως often, after a conditional, concessive, or temporal protasis, introduces the apodosis (cf. Passow, under the word, 1 h.; (Liddell and Scott, under the word I. 7)). 1 Thessalonians 4:14 and Revelation 11:5 have been referred to this head; Buttmann, 357 (307); (cf. Winer's Grammar, § 60, 5 (especially a.)). But questionably; for in the first passage οὕτως may also be taken as equivalent to under these circumstances, i. e. if we believe what I have said (better cf. Winer's Grammar, as above); in the second passage οὕτως denotes in the manner spoken of, i. e. by fire proceeding out of their mouth.


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